Stop Running

There comes a time in our life where we forget to STOP and realize the problems that lie right before our eyes.

So we drink, party get into relationships and get high,

we try to compromise certain things so we can get by

Welcome To The Adult Life

where you choose to have your problems arise or run towards it and have them fall.

The wind is strong but the breeze is what satisfies us all.

It’s okay to crawl before we learn to walk

The beauty of it all we fail, we cry, to one day smile and shine

Then we wipe those tears and take away our fears to remind ourselves to live in the moment of time and not rewind, or change what was, but to make the best out of what is and what’s to come

For that everyday we wake up a new life has begun to start over, it’s not over

You have life, I won’t lie

it bites,

but as long as you’re still alive you still have time to shine.

So stop running, inhale, exhale take a breather relax

You’ll be just fine, continue to have faith in the most high.

Stay calm, eyes open

and enjoy the waves of the ocean.





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