Just Tell Her (Turn The Page)

Just tell her

It’ll never be

It’ll never happen

As much as it may hurt

Better to cry now then to cry later

You can both turn the page, read on and continue on 

Instead of revisiting the same chapter

This may, be your favourite chapter

Yes, it has captured enough

Some of it was rough

But give her permission to turn the page 

No longer encouraging one another to stay on the same page 

Reading this over and over again 

At this pace this story will never end 

All because his indecisive a**

Won’t let go because he’s unsure 

So he hangs on close

Rather not take the risk of flipping the page

Who knows, a different chapter but the characters still remain

In a different light 

In a different form 

Could it be for better? Or for worse?

The next chapter is where the climax of this story unfolds

But until they turn the page

We will never know




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